Результаты проекта «PAMELA — ЯрГУ»
Материал из Квантовые процессы в астрофизической среде
- Comparison of hadron shower data in the PAMELA experiment with Geant 4 simulations.
- Alekseev V.V., Dunaeva O.A., Bogomolov Yu.V., Lukyanov A.D., Malakhov V.V., Mayorov A.G., Rodenko S.A.
- Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2017. V. 798. P. 012022 (1-5).
- http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/798/1/012022
- In-flight second order correction of PAMELA calorimeter characteristics (for simulation in Geant4).
- Dunaeva O.A., Alekseev V.V., Bogomolov Yu.V., Lukyanov A.D., Malakhov V.V., Mayorov A.G., Rodenko S.A.
- Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2017. V. 798. P. 012024 (1-4).
- http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/798/1/012024
- Verification of charge sign for high-energy particles measured by magnetic tracking system of PAMELA spectrometer.
- Lukyanov A.D., Alekseev V.V., Bogomolov Yu.V., Dunaeva O.A., Malakhov V.V., Mayorov A.G., Rodenko S.A.
- Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2017. V. 798. P. 012026 (1-4).
- http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/798/1/012026
- The impact of standard neutrino processes into positron and antiproton fluxes.
- Iablokov S.N., Kuznetsov A.V., Mosichkin A.F., Okrugin A.A., Shitova A.M.
- Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2017. V. 798. P. 012031 (1-5).
- http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/798/1/012031
- Classification of high-energy antiprotons on electrons background based on calorimeter data in PAMELA experiment.
- Dunaeva O.A., Alekseev V.V., Bogomolov Yu.V., Lukyanov A.D., Malakhov V.V., Mayorov A.G., Rodenko S.A.
- Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2017. V. 798. P. 012032 (1-4).
- http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/798/1/012032
- Gamma-rays from possible disk component of dark matter.
- Belotsky K.M., Budaev R.I., Kirillov A.A., Solovyov M.L.
- Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2017. V. 798. P. 012084 (1-4).
- http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/798/1/012084
- Fermi-LAT kills dark matter interpretations of AMS-02 data. Or not?
- Belotsky K. M., Budaev R. I., Kirillov A. A., Laletin M. N.
- Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2017. Volume 2017. No. 01. Paper 012 (1–12).
- http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1475-7516/2017/01/021
- On the classical description of the recombination of dark matter particles with a Coulomb-like interaction.
- Belotsky K. M., Esipova E. A., Kirillov A. A.
- Physics Letters B. 2016. Volume 761. Pages 81–86.
- http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370269316304294
- High-energy cosmic antiparticle excess vs. isotropic gamma-ray background problem in decaying dark matter Universe.
- Alekseev V. V., Belotsky K. M., Bogomolov Yu. V., Budaev R. I., Dunaeva O. A., Kirillov A. A., Kuznetsov A. V., Laletin M. N., Lukyanov A. D., Malakhov V. V., Mayorov A. G., Mayorova M. A., Mosichkin A. F., Okrugin A. A., Rodenko S. A., Shitova A. M.
- Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2016. Volume 675. Paper 012023.
- http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/675/1/012023
- On a possible solution to gamma-ray overabundance arising in dark matter explanation of cosmic antiparticle excess.
- Alekseev V. V., Belotsky K. M., Bogomolov Yu. V., Budaev R. I., Dunaeva O. A., Kirillov A. A., Kuznetsov A. V., Laletin M. N., Lukyanov A. D., Malakhov V. V., Mayorov A. G., Mayorova M. A., Mosichkin A. F., Okrugin A. A., Rodenko S. A., Shitova A. M.
- Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2016. Volume 675. Paper 012026.
- http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/675/1/012026
- Evaluation of the Antiproton Flux from the Antineutrino Electron Scattering.
- Alekseev V. V., Belotsky K. M., Bogomolov Yu. V., Budaev R. I., Dunaeva O. A., Kirillov A. A., Kuznetsov A. V., Laletin M. N., Lukyanov A. D., Malakhov V. V., Mayorov A. G., Mayorova M. A., Mosichkin A. F., Okrugin A. A., Rodenko S. A., Shitova A. M.
- Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2016. Volume 675. Paper 032004.
- http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/675/3/032004
- Relieving the Tension between Dark Matter Production of High-energy Cosmic Antiparticles and FERMI/LAT Constraint on Isotropic Diffuse Gamma-ray Background.
- Alekseev V. V., Belotsky K. M., Bogomolov Yu. V., Budaev R. I., Dunaeva O. A., Kirillov A. A., Kuznetsov A. V., Laletin M. N., Lukyanov A. D., Malakhov V. V., Mayorov A. G., Mayorova M. A., Mosichkin A. F., Okrugin A. A., Rodenko S. A., Shitova A. M.
- Physics Procedia. 2015. Volume 74. Pages 48–50.
- http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1875389215013966
- The 2nd International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics (ICPPA-2016), Moscow, Russia, October 10—14, 2016, National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”.
- Identification of high-energy antiprotons on electrons background based on calorimeter data in PAMELA experiment
- Dunaeva O., Mayorov A.
- http://indico.cfr.mephi.ru/event/4/session/5/contribution/348
- http://indico.cfr.mephi.ru/event/4/session/5/contribution/348/material/slides/0.pdf
- The Impact of Standard Neutrino Processes into Positron and Antiproton Fluxes
- Shitova A. M., Kuznetsov A. V.
- http://indico.cfr.mephi.ru/event/4/session/5/contribution/331
- http://indico.cfr.mephi.ru/event/4/session/5/contribution/331/material/slides/0.pdf
- Identification of low-energy antiprotons on pi-meson background using machine learning methods in PAMELA experiment
- Lukyanov A., Mayorov A.
- http://indico.cfr.mephi.ru/event/4/session/15/contribution/300
- http://indico.cfr.mephi.ru/event/4/session/15/contribution/300/material/slides/0.pdf
- Comparison of hadron shower data in the PAMELA experiment with Geant 4 simulations
- Alekseev V., Mayorov A., Dunaeva O.
- http://indico.cfr.mephi.ru/event/4/session/15/contribution/272
- http://indico.cfr.mephi.ru/event/4/session/15/contribution/272/material/slides/0.pdf
- In-flight second order correction of PAMELA calorimeter characteristics (for simulation in Geant4)
- Alekseev V., Mayorov A., Dunaeva O.
- http://indico.cfr.mephi.ru/event/4/session/40/contribution/297
- Verification of charge sign for high-energy particles measured by magnetic tracking system of PAMELA spectrometer
- Mayorov A., Lukyanov A.
- http://indico.cfr.mephi.ru/event/4/session/40/contribution/342
- Международная сессия-конференция Секции ядерной физики ОФН РАН «Физика фундаментальных взаимодействий», Объединенный институт ядерных исследований, Дубна, 12—15 апреля 2016 г.
- Модели генерации антипротонов в галактической межзвёздной среде и астрофизических источниках и их проверка в экспериментах PAMELA и AMS-02
- Кузнецов А. В.
- http://icssnp.jinr.ru/talks/Kuznetsov.pdf
- Научная сессия НИЯУ МИФИ-2015-2, Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ», Москва, Россия, 22—26 декабря 2015 г.
- Проверка правильности определения знака заряда частиц высоких энергий магнитной трековой системой спектрометра «ПАМЕЛА».
- Майоров А. Г.
- Методика поиска оптимальных параметров модели аннигилирующей скрытой массы по данным о космических античастицах и гамма-излучении.
- Лалетин М. Н.
- The International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics (ICPPA—2015), Moscow, Russia, October 5—10, 2015, Center of Basic Research and Particle Physics of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”.
- Comparison of hadron shower data in the PAMELA experiment with Geant 4 simulations.
- Alekseev V., Bogomolov Y., Dunaeva O., Lukyanov A., Mayorov A.
- http://indico.cfr.mephi.ru/event/2/session/30/contribution/202/material/slides/0.pdf
- Evaluation of the Antiproton Flux from the Antineutrino Electron Scattering.
- Kuznetsov A. V., Shitova A. M.
- http://indico.cfr.mephi.ru/event/2/session/30/contribution/59/material/slides/0.pdf